Cheap date night ideas - $20 dollar date night

Cheap date night ideas! Join Christy Pessemier, and her willing guinea pig husband – as they scour King & Snohomish Counties in the Seattle area to prove you can go out as a couple and have a great time for under 20 Dollars.

Sneak Peek and Valentine’s Challenge!

Busy weekend? No time for for a $20 date night? Try to squeeze one in if you still can. We have a crazy weekend coming up, but we are going to do our best to sneak away for even just an hour. The date night jar pick for this weekend is Bothell. Where to go and what to do? We shall see….It’s Hubby’s choice this time.

Also-Don’t forget Valentine’s Day is coming! Don’t caught in the throngs of people flooding stores on February 13th, paying through-the-nose for cheesy stuff that you’re going to end up selling at a garage sale. Here’s a challenge: Plan something meaningful for you and your sweetie for $20 or less. This year, we’re trying something new-Since restaurants are always packed and very unromantic on Valentines Day, we are going to go out for a Valentines Day breakfast! Try a new Valentines tradition for yourselves and see what you think.

See you Monday morning!