Cheap date night ideas - $20 dollar date night

Cheap date night ideas! Join Christy Pessemier, and her willing guinea pig husband – as they scour King & Snohomish Counties in the Seattle area to prove you can go out as a couple and have a great time for under 20 Dollars.

What if Your Kids Won the Lottery When They Got You?

They were fighting all the time; insulting each other and constantly competing to get revenge. Even though it was years ago that I watched that episode of Dr. Phil I still remember what Dr. Phil said to this couple who were parents of two young children. He told them (and I’m paraphrasing here) they needed to act like their kids won the lottery because they got the best parents in the world.Wow.What if we all acted like our kids were given a winning lottery ticket when they got us? Despite the odds against us, what if we became the most caring parents we could be ? What if our kids saw us kiss each other again, and go out together every weekend? The world would be a different place. But at least we can cause a ripple effect, right? All it takes is one couple at a time taking their relationship more seriously.


“There is no one giant step that does it. It’s a lot of little steps.”

-Peter A Cohen

When you look around at other couples, it seems like everyone is in survival mode-financially, and in their relationship. It’s like a coworker of mine said recently: “Everyone is penniless.” But don’t give up and don’t lose hope. Opportunities are born in times like these. Use your budget crunch as a reason to go out more often, not as an excuse not to.

Starting Monday, June 4th, I will be posting a weekly tip to boost your relationship.  Just a quick burst of information to help you have a better life together. No bad news or cheesy and vague babble. This is the good stuff that makes all the difference. The little tweaks that make you laugh and smile more together.

Stay tuned for this stuff too: Tomorrow’s sneak peek (Hint: It’s Hubby’s choice!), the contest winner announcement next week!

Can’t wait to share it with you!

P.S. Did you see my guest post on It looks like people really like the idea of a $20 dollar date night, because 20DollarDateNight has 66 new Facebook Likes as of yesterday, 15 new email subscribers, and ten new Twitter followers. Welcome to 20DollarDateNight, we are so glad you’re on the journey with us!