Cheap date night ideas - $20 dollar date night

Cheap date night ideas! Join Christy Pessemier, and her willing guinea pig husband – as they scour King & Snohomish Counties in the Seattle area to prove you can go out as a couple and have a great time for under 20 Dollars.

Breaking News-We’re on!

Want to know how this whole crazy $20 date night thing started? See my guest post on Hubby and Angela,’s author, used to go to the same school, a long time ago. Recently, Angela and I ran across each other online-and realized we both blog about saving money. Her blog is an informative, and money-saving site that you bargain hunters will appreciate! She’s got coupons, recipes, and lots of helpful tips for living a frugal lifestyle. Hey, we’ve all got to make it in this economy. Why not have fun doing it?

Check out Angela’s site here: and see my post, hot off the press this morning!