Here I was baking away when my two lovely daughters informed me that they had done all their chores and were ready to pack their bags to go to our neighbors’ house to spend the night. At first, it didn’t click. I continued baking as they waltzed out the door with their entire bedrooms stuffed into their overnight bags. Then, I got a text from my neighbor who is hosting the slumber party: ” You may not have realized it, but this would be a great date night opportunity.” LIGHT BULB MOMENT! I shoved the unbaked cookies, still on the cookie sheets, into the garage fridge and ran upstairs to get fancy.
So – Here we are: totally messy kitchen, but ready to go out in style! The vote is Indian food and strolling through Mill Creek Town Center. Are we a match for hordes of last minute Christmas shoppers? Will they trample us or steal the last available parking spot? Or will they be cheery and warm like the Everett theatre experience we had before the Christmas rush hit? We shall see. It’s getting late though, so gotta run. I will give you the nitty gritty on the whole date night run down this week, before Christmas. I promise….after I finish baking those cookies. I’m off! Woo-hoo!